Calm Seas Do Not Make Great Sailors
‘Floating hospital, USS Comfort, arrives in New York to aid City in crisis
Clearly, we have hit some rough seas. Not just choppy waters, but instead something much more serious. This pernicious COVID-19. As such, we as Americans as well as people all around the world are locked in a difficult struggle. Life as we have known it has dramatically changed – and it has happened in what seems like an instant. So, what do we make of this? How do we respond?
While certainly we would not have wished these circumstances - the truth is that we are now faced with a choice. Will we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed? Immobilized? Or, will we understand that every challenge, every adversity provides the opportunity to reach down, to harden our resolve, to strengthen our will and our commitment to succeed. We have the opportunity to rise to the occasion – and in so doing, we discover capabilities and potential that we would never have discovered if not for being tested.
And, so it is here. Today in America. We are sailing in rough seas – but we are responding with poise, power and determination. No doubt the next several weeks will test us all – on many dimensions. But, I have no doubt in our ability to overcome these adversities, respond with compassion for those in need – and build a strength and resolve that will serve us well into the future. We already see it happening around us. Our positive spirit, our ‘Can Do’ attitude and our deep faith and love will pave the way.
‘Work From Home Revolution’ – The Rebirth of Small Town America!

No one wanted to see the current global pandemic and the market disruptions we are currently experiencing. But there is a very bright side for small towns. There is a ‘work from home revolution’ just beginning to ignite. Forced by the virus, America is now working from home. And, employers and employees alike are learning that it is not necessary to come into a traditional office environment every day to work effectively. This means that those good paying jobs that are normally tied to big offices, urban environments and big cities are now available to anyone, anywhere.
With surprising speed, the tradeoff of diminished opportunities that can sometimes come with a small remote town are likely to shift. People in small towns will have numerous work options to choose from and as a result will be able to enjoy larger paychecks. This will be a major win for both workers and employers. Reducing the costs of offices, eliminating commutes, etc.
Companies will now have access to a much larger workforce pool – not tied to an office location. Meanwhile, employees and entrepreneurs can decide to live wherever they choose – including small towns - where housing is affordable, streets are safe, families can spend time together and there is a strong sense of community and shared values. The rebirth of Small Town America is set to begin!
Entrepreneurs – Seizing Opportunity and Helping in the Crisis

It is heartening to see the positivity and spirit of Americans – finding strength in adversity – and especially also seeing entrepreneurs finding ways to be creative and help in the crisis.
For example, two of the companies that Karen and I are involved in have stepped up – One company, Immunocologie, is producing a Vital Mist – a skincare spray that can provide a protective barrier for face and hands. And another company, MD Complete is working with a local distiller to produce a hand sanitizer – that also includes a moisturizing capability – so as not to leave your hands dry and chapped.
And, so proud of the numerous brewers right here in New Hampshire who have shifted from producing beer to make hand sanitizer. You may not know this, but New Hampshire has a strong microbrewing industry and entrepreneurs have heard the proverbial “call to arms” and are now producing high-alcohol content hand sanitizers. Companies like Tamworth Distilling & Mercantile have quickly ramped up production are delivering this live saving product quickly and on time.
Our free enterprise system, our creativity and our compassion are on full display – and as a result, there is no doubt that we will conquer this awful virus and emerge even stronger and more resilient.
Positive Profile of the Week – Captain Lynne Blankenbeker

Lynne is an accomplished medical professional, public servant and great friend. We honor her now, however, for different reason. Lynne has been called upon to serve us all in a very important role. Called into duty, Lynne has risen to the challenge and we are proud to know that she is aboard the USS Comfort – the amazing hospital ship that has docked on the Hudson River. Lynne is serving as a nurse, along with fellow medical professionals - literally working around the clock - coming to the aid of New Yorkers.
We commend Captain Blankenbeker for her extraordinary service. And very much in keeping with her past – serving tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as time at the Pentagon. Also serving as a New Hampshire State Legislator and congressional candidate.
Positive energy creates positive change and with perseverance our country will be stronger because were in this together. Thank you, Lynne!
Quotes of the Week: Rough Waters – Finding Strength Thru Adversity

“One who conquers the sea today is ready to conquer the ocean tomorrow.”– Matshona Dhliwayo
“Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.”– Lou Holtz
“There is no education like adversity.”– Benjamin Disraeli
“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”– Kenji Miyazawa
“The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.”– Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
“You’ll never find a better sparring partner than adversity.”– Golda Meir