Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Celebrating Life in the Winter:

Not everyone can experience the great fun of winter in the northeast – or especially in a small New England town. Like the one pictured here. My town, Newport, New Hampshire. Thrilling. Exciting. Getting up in the morning and walking the streets. Or getting up to dust off your car. Ice and snow getting down into your sleeves. A little chill on the face. And, yes, there are those moments when things are a bit uncomfortable. But, the fact is – a brisk winter morning makes you know you’re alive! Invigorating. Celebrating life in the winter. Getting the positive energy flowing thru the veins. Makes you feel like you can do anything!
Celebrating Life – Preventing Suicide :

Every life is so very precious. And such a tragedy when someone decides to take their own life – especially when it’s a young person. Suicide has become a national crisis. So, I’m very grateful to share one positive step forward taken earlier this week. Thanks to Gates. As a freshman Representative, he introduced House Bill 652. As the primary sponsor of legislation that would require teachers and administrators to receive annual suicide prevention and awareness training in New Hampshire. Proud of Gates for doing this. It was a packed and emotion filled committee hearing – as parents, siblings and other family members and friends of those directly impacted by suicide testified and told their stories of suffering and loss. Celebrating life – Preventing Suicide.
Celebrating Life – Honoring the Fallen:

There are nearly 20,000 children in our country who have lost a parent in military service. An astoundingly large and heartbreaking number. And, while we can never fully repay the fallen and those that they have left behind. We can honor them by celebrating and supporting the lives of their children. Children of Fallen Patriots ( is an organization that does exactly that. Paying for their education all the way thru college. Positively changing the trajectory of lives. Fallen Patriots. What a wonderful mission. What a terrific organization!
Celebrating Life – Health and Wellness:

One of the most positive trends now gaining traction throughout the world is the focus on Health and Wellness. We see it in the emphasis on exercise and fitness. Healthy diets. The trend towards natural and organic in so many aspects of our lives. Karen and I have now seen this trend ‘up close’ for the past several years, in particular. In fact, just helped host the Annual Conference of the Global Wellness Institute in New York City. Karen pictured in the photo – getting ready to share insights – Celebrating positivity and wellness in our daily lives as we make good choices and honor the essence of the human spirit.
Celebrating Life – Good Ol’ Fashion Fun:

There are so many great, fun things to do. And, so many of them don’t need to be expensive, elaborate or complicated. In fact, one straightforward and very satisfying way to celebrate life – is to do a simple ‘look back.’ Sort of a ‘retro.’ And, draw upon some of those activities from not so long ago. As they say, from a simpler time. One great example right in my backyard is the Newport Winter Carnival – coming up next weekend – Feb 7th-10th. Actually for the 103rd consecutive year. Woodchopping contests, ice skating, pancake breakfasts and even horse drawn wagon rides, as pictured here. I bet that if you ‘look back’ into your own past experience – not that long ago. You can remember and think of some really fun things to do – where you can lose yourself in the moment – and experience and celebrate the joy of living!
Quotes of the Week – Celebrating Life

"Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods. So let us celebrate the struggle! " - Stevie Wonder
"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey
"We should celebrate when optimism and hard work triumph over cynicism, lethargy, and fatalism". - Sadiq Khan