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Writer's pictureJay Lucas

How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Sticking with it!

As we enter a new year, we are blessed with the opportunity for a fresh start – a new beginning. And, with this in mind, we make our New Year’s resolutions. Whether it is to lose weight, save more money, be kinder to our friends and family – or whatever these resolutions may be – how long do they typically last? Unfortunately, in most cases, the answer is ‘not very long.’

So, I would like to share with you a ‘sure fire’ way to make the resolutions really stick this year. And, here is how you do it. You simply need to choose the right inner voice. Choose to listen to that inner voice that I call the ‘inner voice of success!’ In other words, every day when you wake up – and several times during the day, make sure that you are coming back to your resolution and give yourself a positive pep talk. Say things like ‘I know I can do it.’ ‘I believe in myself.’ ‘I am confident and strong.’ ‘I will succeed.’ And, of course, you need to really mean it. It's mind over matter.

Then something magical happens. As you speak these words – even saying them out loud – your attitude will actually change. You will begin to believe in your success, not only on a conscious level, but the belief will begin to seep down into your subconscious. And, when it does, you will be on your way to ‘surefire success.’ So, as you enter 2020, and you settle on your resolutions for the new year, please give this method a try. I know it can work, if you really give it your all. And, please let me know how things work out for you. I know you can succeed and would love to hear about your success!

Karen Brings in the New Year – Spectacular View from Times Square

Newport Sunshine Initiative – The Year Ahead

2020 is shaping up to be the best year yet for the Newport Sunshine Initiative! The list of projects for the new year includes:

  • A new job training program specializing in the digital economy, online, and interactive that will reshape learning for many including those seeking a GED, getting trained for a high paying job that can be performed remotely and more.

  • A housing project set to break ground this summer, bringing 46 new family friendly, and affordable homes to Newport.

  • An initiative to help feed children who might otherwise go hungry – via a program that would enable public school children to bring home meals made from leftover food.

  • And, more…. In fact, we would love to hear your ideas on new projects that we can all tackle together. Please write to us at: and we will be delighted to include your thoughts and suggestions on how to make the Newport Sunshine Initiative a continued success!

Newport – America’s Town With The Most World Records!

One of our most fun and popular initiatives on the calendar for 2020 is our Second Annual Newport Sunflower Festival where we will attempt to set a new World Record this coming September. But to make this the big success that we anticipate - we need to ask your help! What World Record would you like to see Newport set? Please click on the link below to see our survey and share your thoughts. I bet you have some great ideas. All ideas will be eagerly accepted for consideration. So, be creative. Be part of something amazing, and continue to help put Newport on the map as the “Town with the Most World Records”!

Children of Fallen Patriots – Expanding in 2020!

With the new year come new ideas and initiatives as we grow support for Children of Fallen Patriots here in New Hampshire. 2019 proved to be a fantastic year of growth, and we intend to build on this and make 2020 even better. At our holiday party in early December, we announced a significant change that is sure to get people excited. We have expanded our organization, set up committees and working groups – and have done so in a way so as to give everyone the opportunity to volunteer and participate. Especially in a way that each person will be able to get involved in support activities that maximize their unique talents.

As a result of this expanded structure, we have already begun to experience a renewed sense of energy and excitement. Taking the organization to the next level. We would greatly welcome you to join in support of this great cause – helping children of our fallen heroes have the opportunity for a college education. So, please let us know if you would like to help.

We are also working on speaking opportunities throughout the state - VFWs, Legion Posts, Rotaries, high schools and other interested organizations - please let us know if you would like us to come to yours! And, please do visit us at as well as our New Hampshire Facebook page at “New Hampshire Supports Fallen Patriots Foundation”.

Tomorrow’s Leaders Now – Here Comes 2020

This past year we coordinated with some very special millennials in founding an organization known as ‘Tomorrow’s Leaders Now.’ Along with our son, Representative Gates Lucas, and his colleague, Representative Joe Alexander, we established an initiative dedicated to getting young people involved in our state government and civic affairs. Our goal for 2020 is to get at least ‘40 candidates under the age of 40’ on the ballot. And, then, make sure to get at least ‘20 elected to office in 2020.’

We are proud to be working with Gates and Joe on this effort. Both are dedicated public servants who worked hard in 2018, defied the odds and won their respective elections. Today, they are quickly rising up the ladder of influence and are serving as role models for their generation – demonstrating the great opportunity to make an impact, even at an early age.

The organization, Tomorrow’s Leaders Now, is here to support candidates committed to freedom, entrepreneurism and preserving the New Hampshire Advantage.

If you are a young person considering a run for public office, or know someone who is, then please reach out to this exciting organization. Over the coming year, we will be hosting trainings, coffees, and planning seminars for success.

The road to public service starts with the very first step.

Profile of the Week: Tenley Callaghan

Every once in a great while you have the good fortune to meet someone who blends extraordinary competence, personal warmth, caring for others and is dedicated to the common good. Karen and I are delighted to know Tenley Callaghan of Concord. She is that rare individual who somehow manages to balance such an impressive array of important activities.

A dedicated practicing attorney at Cleveland, Waters and Bass, Tenley is widely respected in the legal community. And, then finds time to do an amazing job with so many other wonderful activities. She has served the City of Concord on the Ethics Committee, has been a Director of the Concord Public Library and has been passionate and dedicated in her quest to help end homelessness in her hometown through her work with the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness. And, in addition to all this, she is even former President of the West Point Parent’s Club as the proud mother of two West Point grads!

Karen and I were fortunate to first get to know Tenley, however, through her involvement in our New Hampshire efforts to support Children of Fallen Patriots – where Tenley has volunteered for several years and is now taking on an expanded role in leading our outreach efforts. Getting the word out and creating greater visibility for this terrific organization.

We are honored to know Tenley, and we are all fortunate to have such an accomplished and caring person as a leader in our community.

Quotes of the Week: Happy New Year!

Benjamin Franklin


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