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Writer's pictureJay Lucas

American Hero and Patriot

Updated: Dec 6, 2018

Honoring an American Hero…A Modern American Patriot

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

George H. W. Bush was a true American hero. His life represents the very embodiment of the values described in ‘American Sunshine.

For instance, we have a chapter in the book titled ‘Second Chances.’ George Bush’s political career was all about second chances. He ran for the U.S. Senate in Texas in 1964 and lost in a landslide. Served a couple terms in Congress, then ran again in 1970. And, lost. Again. Many thought that a two-time loser would be at the end. But he persisted, dedicated himself to public service, including serving as Ambassador to the U.N. and Director of the CIA. Then running for President and losing in 1980. And, of course, finally winning the Presidency in 1988.

One of the great things about our nation is that we believe in second chances and reward good willed, dogged persistence. Thank goodness this is the case as it enabled us to enjoy the wonderful leadership of President Bush.

Moreover, he also lived the three core values we define as ‘Modern Patriotism’ – Believing, Achieving and Sharing.

  • Believing – He believed in the traditional American values that we hold dear – and then lived them – famously volunteering to serve in WWII on his eighteenth birthday, going on to be the youngest naval aviator in history at that time and then flying 58 combat missions.

  • Achieving – His accomplishments are legend. But even at an early age. In high school at Phillips Andover, being elected president of his senior class, captain of the baseball team, captain of the soccer team and more. And, even after graduating college, leaving the comfortable life in the northeast to strike out on his own in Texas, building a company and achieving success as an entrepreneur in the oil industry.

  • Sharing – And, perhaps his most important and noble quality. Creating a vision of a kinder, gentler America – where we all can volunteer to share our time and efforts, and bring life to a thousand points of light.

George H.W. Bush – An American Hero. A true ‘Modern Patriot.’


Big Week for ‘Dad’

Couple things happening this week worth sharing. Two sons in the midst of wonderful accomplishments – that in an interesting way are very much in the tradition of George H.W. Bush. Lincoln, like President Bush, is a Yale graduate and Naval aviator and this week is deep in the midst of survival training known as SERE School, spending time evading enemy captors out in the freezing December Maine wilderness. Meanwhile – Gates, also in the President Bush tradition, devoting himself to public service. Sworn in this week as young State Representative in the New Hampshire Legislature.


Bill Gardner and ‘First in the Nation Primary’

For the past 42 years, Bill has served New Hampshire proud as our Secretary of State zealously protecting our ‘First in the Nation’ Presidential Primary. In fact, I was with Bill, also serving as State Representative when he was first elected in 1976 and helped him in that effort.

So, I was incredibly thrilled to be with Bill yet again this week as he successfully overcame a strong challenge and won his bid to be re-elected to yet another two-year term. It marked one more milestone in the long list of accomplishments that have characterized Bill’s storybook career. All Granite Stater’s owe Bill a deep sense of gratitude for all he has done to keep New Hampshire special. Thank you, Bill Gardner!


Quote of the Week:

"We know what works: Freedom works. We know what's right: Freedom is right. We know how to secure a more just and prosperous life for man on Earth: through free markets, free speech, free elections and the exercise of free will unhampered by the state.” George H. W. Bush


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