The Amazing Power Of Potential

Have you ever wondered what’s your true human potential? If you were really hitting on all cylinders, what could you accomplish? What if you were operating at your full mental potential, physical potential, and spiritual potential? Imagine how strong you could be.
It’s worth asking the question: what if we, as individuals were performing at much closer to our true potential? And, then, put us all together and think of our American potential. What could we achieve as a people, as a nation? I am struck by what enormous opportunities lie in front of us and the rays of sunshine for our future if we can harness the energy to pursue these opportunities enthusiastically and vigorously.
Please enjoy this short video and learn about some of the real life examples of ‘The Power Of Potential.’
A Small Town Beginning To Achieve Its Full Potential

Newport’s potential is undeniable. From the Apple Pie Crafts Fair, to Chamber Days, Brewfest, and this year’s inaugural ‘Newport (NH) Jazz Fest,’ this small New England town knows how to bring people together. Nowhere was this more on display than last week’s first ever Newport Block Party. Hats off to Steve Smith and the Chamber of Commerce for making this first time event a success! You couldn’t help but notice how crowded our Main Street. There wasn’t a parking space to be found!
The Potential To Set A ‘World Record!’

‘The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.’ – Confucius
Nowhere is this more true than Newport, and it is truly symbolized by the Sunflower project. With so many of life’s stressors at an all-time high, jobs, families, summer vacations, you would never think so many residents would go to the effort and agree to try growing sunflowers. But they are! Sunflower plants are sprouting up all across the Sunshine Town, from the entrances into Newport, to random plantings by old bridges, and of course bordering people’s yards. Everywhere you look you notice sunflower plants blooming.
Come early September, Newport will even be hosting the Guinness Book of World Records to show the nation how dedicated, how beautiful, and how strong the Sunshine Town is. In our conversations with Guinness, we have learned that a small town very similar to Newport, Portsmouth, Ohio, set their own World Record a couple years back. News stations, tourists, and positive energy soon followed and the town has seen a great upswing in their revitalization efforts. To paraphrase Confucius, it just shows, with the will to make a change, the desire to make it happen, and the community involvement needed to do so, small towns across the country can and are ‘unlocking the door to personal and community excellence.’
Why Move To A Small Town

While cities have their appeal there really is nothing like living in a small town. Getting to know your neighbors and actually being a part of a community gives its own form of joy and peace. Small towns also offer great opportunity for young families and the ability to raise children in an environment that fosters growth. Often schools in these towns are smaller - with smaller class sizes that allow children to receive individualized attention as well as provide for interaction amongst peers outside of a classroom environment.
But this is only one part of being a in a small town. You will see people more frequently and actually get to know those who live around you. People in small towns are far more apt to support one another in times of need because the people that need help are not strangers, they are neighbors.
And, small towns offer great growth potential. By banding together like only neighbors can, small towns offer the potential for individuals to work with each other and put forward a common set of goals and agendas that will make their town flourish. This is why I know in my heart that small town America is set for an exciting comeback. While small towns may be small, they are big in community, togetherness and the positive power of potential.
SWIM With A Mission – The Powerful Potential of Teamwork – Navy SEALs

This past weekend witnessed an amazing gathering in New Hampshire. A couple of years ago, Phil and Julie Taub hatched an idea to celebrate, and benefit, our amazing veterans. Since that time, Swim with a Mission has quickly grown into a fabulous illustration to honor service members for all they do. The headliners of the event are Navy SEALs but funds raised benefit all veterans.
During the weekend, SEALs talk about their experiences and the challenges they have faced in times of struggle and low odds. Without fail, the baseline message and core principles of their success and survival is constant. Teamwork and trust. It’s simple in nature but critical to any mission goal. The SEALs are tough. They’re well trained. But the most valuable commodity that they possess is a belief in the faith that they have the potential to win and survive. That the person next to them will have their backs. I can’t help but think about how important that is in so many areas of life and society. It’s a code SEALs live by, but it’s one that can and should be applied by all of us as often as possible. Together, we can do anything.
A Real Life Story of Potential – This Past Week - Helping Children Of The Fallen

This past weekend, Children of Fallen Patriots had the privilege of hosting a booth at SWIM With A Mission - the exciting annual event featuring Navy SEAL’s at Newfound Lake in Bristol, NH. Thousands of families and interested members of the community came to enjoy the demonstrations, compete in events and honor and our nation's veterans. The SEALs put on an incredible display of training exercises and mock missions. The founders of SWIM, Phil and Julie Taub, always do an amazing job with this event and this year was no different!
What I really want to tell you about, however, is the inspiring conversation we had with a mother and her daughter at our booth. Wow, I get a chill up my spine just thinking about it. All throughout the day, we were spreading the word about Fallen Patriots and the great mission of the organization. Then, appearing out of the crowd, we were approached by a mom and her elementary school-age daughter. The mom came up to us to let us know that she has another daughter who is currently a senior in high school and that if it were not for Fallen Patriots, her daughter would have no chance to be able to go to college. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she could only manage to say ‘thank you. Standing there, absolutely stunned, we thanked her for sharing her story and let her know that it is stories like hers that make everything we do absolutely worth it.
Think about it - without Fallen Patriots, her daughter, due to no fault of her own, would be forced to take on a struggle in life that would ultimately change the trajectory of her life in an excruciating way. We were able to enter a devastating situation and alleviate that struggle and hopefully set this young woman's life in a positive direction. And yes, help her reach her ‘Full Potential!’ This really hits home. And, it’s just one more story, one more reason, why we are so proud to volunteer our time for such an incredible organization. I encourage you to join us in volunteering your time and working to change lives like this young lady's by signing up to be at our booth at a future event. Please click here for more info :https://forms.gle/QojH7JCs9Dfffbth9
Galloping Beyond Conformity – And Finding New Potential

Ever find yourself limited by the constraints that you are putting on yourself? And realizing that you yourself are your own worst enemy in preventing you from achieving your full potential?
Am guessing that the answer is probably ‘yes.’ And, that’s why I really love the photo above.
Recently these girls ‘broke thru the limitations of artificial self-imposed constraints’ and paid a visit to the drive-thru at the Dunkin Donuts in Newport. In a very ‘non-traditional way’ – on horseback. Why not just take a moment and let this sink in. How can you apply this ‘out of the box’ thinking to your own life and circumstances – and imagine a ‘break out’ idea or two of your own – that can help you move closer to achieving your full potential.
The Power Of Tourism As A Potential ‘Game Changer’

Our next meeting of the Sunshine Initiative will be held on Thursday, August 1st at 6pm – and at a very special venue – The Newport Airport – i.e. Parlin Field. Here is a largely ‘untapped’ resource – with huge potential. Please join us at the meeting – where we will provide updates on a variety of initiatives underway – but also share a special focus on Tourism – as a potential ‘Game Changer’ for the Greater Newport area. Look forward to seeing you on Thursday, the 1st!
Profile Of The Week – Andy and Melissa Crews

Andy and Melissa Crews came to New Hampshire determined and ready to achieve. Not just for themselves but for others.
Andy took the reins of the AutoFair Automotive Group and working with a dedicated team has grown its footprint beyond Manchester to multiple locations throughout New Hampshire and northern Massachusetts. And together, Andy and Melissa have been leaders in the fight against opioids and substance abuse.
Along with their two daughters, Carli and Tyler, Andy and Melissa are vital members of the New Hampshire community. Actively donating their time and efforts to causes ranging from veterans support, education, the arts, civic engagement and more.
Andy and Melissa are living examples of the power of the human spirit – the power of potential. We are blessed to know them, have them in our community and cherish them as friends.
Quotes Of The Week – The Power Of Potential

‘The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.’ Confucius
‘Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.’ Pope John XXIII
‘Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.’ Ashley Smith
‘I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy’. Og Mandino
‘Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!’ Anne Frank