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Time For Sunshine!

Writer's picture: Jay LucasJay Lucas

Hope is on the Horizon!

Karen and Jay share message of optimism, as hope is on the horizon

Finally, and with great excitement, the world is brightening up. With the arrival of spring, all things seem possible. There is optimism in the air and hope is on the horizon.

This week, we welcome spring. In earlier times, the spring season signified the start of the new year as snow began to melt and frosty, barren days transformed into warmer, more hospitable ones when the sun shines longer and the air smells fresh. It’s a season that undoubtedly signifies renewal, growth, and optimism. After a year of enduring this pandemic, it’s safe to say this spring carries a little more significance, and hope, than it has in the past.

This time last year, instead of welcoming spring by being outdoors, we were forced to isolate indoors to slow the spread of what was then a virus we knew little about. We’ve come a long way. This spring it feels like hope is on the horizon, that a return to normalcy is within our reach. This spring is a reminder that no matter how difficult things can get, there is in fact always light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes, it just requires us to be more patient than we prefer to be.

And with this new season of renewal and hope, how can we capitalize on such an unprecedented moment? While there have been incredible challenges throughout the past year, there have also been incredible lessons. We’ve learned much about ourselves and our own resiliency, what we’re grateful for in our own lives and what we’d prefer to do away with. We’d be remiss if we didn’t utilize this spring as an opportunity to take all that we’ve learned from the past year and begin transforming these lessons into a positive force for ourselves, our family, our friends, or our community.

The perennial question is always, where do we begin? Considering where we were this time last year and all that we’ve been through since, this spring already gives us a much more positive and optimistic starting point. As one of my favorite quotes goes, “There is no better time than the present to be better than we were yesterday.” Now is the moment to start planting the seeds for the things you want to see grow into the future. The great thing is, each of us can do this simply by taking small actions each day. Overtime, these small actions blossom into big achievements, kind of like plants during spring. So whether it’s a new career or hobby you want to explore, or a project you’ve had to put off, or a relationship you want to grow, I encourage you to be kind to yourself, recognize that you’ve made it through the past year, and use the optimistic spirit of this spring to inspire your own journey of renewal.

Open Season - The Concerts Are Here

I think it's a fair assumption that all of us are ready to get outdoors. With spring weather beginning to show itself, I’m looking forward to spending more time at outdoor events in the coming months.

As we all know, many performance venues had to cancel their events due to the pandemic. This year though, we’re expecting many of these venues to come back with a bang and put on some incredible entertainment from sporting events to music performances.

First, let's talk baseball. Many of you know how much of a New England sports fan I am. And sure enough, baseball is right around the corner. Last year, New Hampshire’s minor league affiliate, the NH Fisher Cats had to cancel their 2020 season. 2021 looks like it is going to be a great year for the organization, and I want to give credit to Mike Ramshaw and all the staff for their incredible work to bring baseball back to New Hampshire this year. On May 11th, the Fisher Cats will take to the field once again, with this season’s activities including post game fireworks, BBQ’s and more. Here you can see firsthand the future stars of the major leagues and after 500 days of no minor league baseball in the Queen City, I can’t wait to hear the words “Play Ball” return.

In a Sunshine Report last year, we highlighted the Tupelo Music Hall and their outdoor drive in concert series. Well, it's back and their schedule will start in May. They’re bringing on some amazing acts and I invite you all to give them a try with their drive -n style concert venue. I already know Karen has a few concerts in mind, so I expect a visit to Derry a few times in the coming months.

In Portsmouth, organizers of the Prescott Park Festival are working hard to create an opportunity to bring back a huge part of the Seacoast’s Summer. Karen and I always enjoy walking down to Prescott Park to see performances, shows, and more. It’s one of the highlights of the spring and summer months on the seacoast.

I’m not only ready for the return of these great events, but even more excited to support these local venues who bring culture and joy to our communities. The list is long and exciting, but if you know of an event that should be highlighted, please email us at: and will be happy to share on social media feeds and here as part of the Sunshine Report!

Lincoln, NH – Our State’s Second Largest Town

Lincoln, NH is a small town in northern Grafton County. With a population of 1,600 this quiet little sky town is remote and quaint. But the history of Lincoln is far bigger than its current stature. Lincoln was founded as a logging town in 1764. It is not, as you might have thought, named after Abraham Lincoln, but instead named after a former port master in England who helped oversee trade with the then American colony of New Hampshire.

After Lincoln was formed it would become the Granite State’s second largest state by landmass coming in as over 130 square miles. Like many towns in New Hampshire, Lincoln got its start in logging. In 1892, James Everell Henry bought approximately 100,000 acres of virgin timber and established a logging enterprise at what is today the center of Lincoln. In 1902, he built a pulp and paper mill. Until he died in 1912, Henry controlled his company town, installing relatives in positions of civic authority.

.Today Lincoln is home to one of New Hampshire’s most popular ski resorts - Loon Mountain, which is a part of the White Mountains. The northern part of the town has a portion of the Appalachian Trail which further attracts tourist to the area. Lincoln is growing though, in the last 10 years the town has nearly doubled in population as more people seek out this rural, remote, and beautiful town to call home.

Positive Profile of the Week: Al Letizio, Jr.

This week it’s a true pleasure to highlight a generous, community minded leader and friend, Al Letizio, Jr. Al is a leader in the town of Windham and highly accomplished in business. He is the CEO of A.J Letizio Sales and Marketing, a leading food enterprise that he co-founded along with his wife Patti.

Importantly, Al is an active participant in the community in so many ways. Serving on the town’s Board of Selectman, School Board, Economic Development Committee as well as leadership roles in Boy Scouts of America and numerous other community service organizations.

For those involved in granite state politics, Al Letizio is a name known to many. He is someone who cares deeply about our state and is always willing to help and support candidates whether on their way to the White House or the State House. Whether an old friend or new, Al brings incredible positivity, optimism, and excitement to everyone he meets. Combined with his hardworking nature, it’s no surprise that Al is so highly respected throughout New Hampshire.

Thank you, Al, for all that that you do in business, for your community and for the great state of New Hampshire.

Quotes of the Week: Sunshine

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.”

Steve Martin

“If you want to see the sunshine, you have to weather the storm.”

Frank Lane

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”

Helen Keller

“Friends are the sunshine of life.”

John Hay

“Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness.”

Jimmie Davis


© 2022 by Jay S. Lucas. Proudly created by Americans for Americans

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